We currently have 5 layouts within the club: fully-working ‘N’, ‘OO’ and ‘O’ Gauge Exhibition layouts, a Junior Layout (also available for exhibitions), and our permanent ‘O’ Gauge layout currently being rebuilt into a multi gauge permanent layout:
N-Gauge Exhibition Layout: Sandmarch

Sandmarch is our newest layout in N gauge, and has visited many local exhibitions over the last few years. Sandmarch is DC/DCC switchable and has two different set up configurations. The layout uses Kato track and depending on set up has 2 or 3 independent running loops, a small goods yard and a end to end shuttle on a viaduct across the layout.
OO-Gauge Exhibition Layout: Coleware

Coleware is our OO gauge layout and has regularly gone to many local exhibitions. It is switchable between DC and DCC, it has a double track circuit with a branch line from the station to the ample fiddle yard.
Multi Gauge (Permanent): Datchworth Magna

The ‘O’ gauge layout was our largest layout, and ran 4 tracks around the clubhouse. It has now been rebuilt, and still has 4 tracks (with 25m of track each), a branch line and multiple stations. 2 of these tracks are connected to the branch line and the stations, and the other 2 tracks are running / testing circuits with passing loops. Additionally, running / testing loops in N and OO have been added (2 tracks of each gauge), as well as one loop of TT. Each individual track has the ability to switch between DC and DCC running.
O-Gauge Exhibition Layout: Lea Valley Railway Centre

This small O Gauge layout was donated to the club, and has been redeveloped into an Exhibition Layout.

To support our junior members, and to offer a robust “Drive your own train” layout for exhibitions, we have recently built our newest layout, which consists of 2 loops of OO Gauge track, along with a couple of sidings. It has two separated places where the trains can be controlled from (to allow each driver space to still be with their family).