6 March 2022 Update

New Planter temporarily put into place

5/6th March 2022 Update
This weekend our volunteer team completed work on the planters for the front of the building.

Our location is opposite a main road and over the years the splashing of passing vehicles has taken it’s toll on the clubhouse frontage. These planters, when filled by the Horticulture section, will provide natural protection from those elements. We will get them planted up in the near future. Once these are in place to protect the building, we can work on repointing the brick work.

A tidy up of the clubhouse has allowed us to store the excess wood for the new multi gauge layout out of the way. Wood for the baseboard frames has been collected by members of the wood working team and work on the frames should commence, off site, next weekend.

We have also sectioned up the wood for the Church End support frame. We hope to start putting this together in the normal Monday (7th March 2022) evening session.

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