Sandmarch – Exhibition Layout

A plan of the layout has been drawn up showing the track as laid. Completed and planned buildings and scenery have been added. The intention is for this plan to kept up to date with the progress on the layout. The buildings and scenic areas are currently being built by club N gauge members or are being sourced as ready-made models.

Most buildings will be installed on thick card or foam board bases to bring them up to track ballast level. The adjoining scenic area being feathered up to the building where required.

One idea put forward for future shows was to build two additional scenic modules, which would be inserted at each end of the layout, creating a central working area for two operators. In this case a back scene would be constructed behind the front scenic area and side modules.

An alternative for shows would see the layout basically as per the Club configuration but with a shaped back scene in front of the fiddle yard with short tunnels at the back-end curves.

As there will be quite a lot of fencing on the layout several lengths have been cut out from 10 thou styrene sheet using a silhouette cutter and will be painted before being installed.

As you can see from the included photographs the layout no longer has that look of freshly laid track and hopefully we are on the way to producing an attractive layout to run our rolling stock on and to eventually exhibit at shows.

Where Next?

Any upcoming exhibitions where Sandmarch is confirmed are listed here:

To see the full list of club events and exhibitions being attended by the club, please view our Upcoming Events page.